So little time...
And it's so true! I have a grass weed that got away from me last year keeping me very busy. This is one I feel I can't really chop and drop. It's too tenacious! So it's war! We do have chickens now (just got the last 2 in above photo.) so maybe they'll be of service. Hardening off seedlings, starting more. Water features and more. What a year!
We had a ton of rain recently too, so I couldn't really work out there, but everything is nice and green. I can't believe it's almost June! I'm starting to really see that soil turning around- composting in place, has worked quickly- no surprise there.
Here are the first set of chickens - one is a roo and I think I'm keeping him (he's in the middle.)
Aren't they pretty! The rooster's name is Sherman (as in tank.) I have named 2 others so far - Pilot and Nova. I'm really loving having them and so far letting them roam the garden after dinner is working nicely.
The flock consists of: 2 banty Cochins (one a roo), 2 Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, 1 Black Copper Maran, 1 blue laced Red Wyandotte/Americauna mix. And one Lavender Orpington.
Lots of seedlings hardening off getting ready for the outdoors. And I sowed a few beans tonight in my usual long paper pots. More will be sown tomorrow and I need to up pot some things.
Happy Growing! Tessa