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What's Happening
New Babies So little time... And it's so true! I have a grass weed that got away from me last year keeping me very busy. This is one I feel I can't really chop and drop. It's too tenacious! So it's war! We do have chickens now (just got the last 2 in above photo.) so maybe they'll be of service. Hardening off seedlings, starting more. Water features...
After the seed staring class I did recently, I got to thinking about one of the most asked questions I get- either at the class or just seed starting time in general. "When do I fertilize my seedlings? And do I use fish emulsion?" I don't unless the need arises. The seedling has everything it needs until just after it develops its true leaves- not the first leaves you...
So busy with the new addition to garden helpers I haven't had a moments rest- literally! Yep, the chicks are coming and although my flock will be small they'll be useful- poo, tilling, bug hunting, and cute babies to love and take care of. They are so adorable! I did have a loss of one tiny one- made me so sad, but I know that is all part...
A week or so ago I picked my first greens- so yummy! In this harvest is 3 different lettuce, mustard, claytonia. Everything is booming in the high tunnel and our lows have been quite nice. Beds 1 and 2 are now filled and I'll be transplanting bed 3 this week at some point. ...
I felt it in the air a while ago, but I really didn't think my prediction of a mild winter would actually happen - especially after that awful freezing rain we had around the holidays. But I think it will and that's great! It means I can start tomatoes a little earlier - and I mean a little early, a week say, because I don't want to babysit ...
It's time. The experimental high tunnel has been a success. Yes, there needs to be some tweaks made so I don't have to take the plastic of the sides and buy a zip door every year, but it's time to expand - especially because I'm getting chickens! That, and I want to add 10 feet to it. Here is a rough draft, but unless I plan on changing...
Well, some experiments are a success and some are not. Some are planned, and some are not. But regardless of whether the weather decides to cooperate or not, I still start sowing things directly and inside and they have to go out or be eaten approximately 2 weeks later. If the timing is off when they need to go out- the timing is off and I have a...